
Consulting ltd

Leave your problems with us...

About us

Although M.D&A consulting Ltd have been formed recently, our teams experience is more then 150 years combined together. Some of our members have bean managing sites for over 20 years in they're field.  Managing construction is complicated work, because of so many trades working in limited space with limited time. Let our team professional's to have a different look at your project.

What we do

Have you thought, how it could go better? Our team of professionals take a different look to your project  from all kind of different prospective.  Good head start is 50% off the job. We  overlook the project from start to the finish. Our aim is to find most off the problems before they occur. Our goal is to have a smooth ride. Let your problems be our problems and our success be your success.

Our vision

Let your project go smoothly true stress free management control. Avoiding blaming culture for delays and none compliant works or money loss for extra works and shifts. We all here to work and learn  together. Change your mindset to a different level.

Contacts Postal address

Mob. +447709174188                              77 Denzil Road, NW10 2UY

mdna.consult@gmail.com London